Walk to Muxia, a beautiful '' village '' of 5,500 inhabitants which belongs to the province of Finistèrre.
This is an additional post for beautiful Muxia, a place we visited and we feel is worth sharing with you. For us it was the most magical place of the Camino.
Muxia is a small village at Costa Da Morte, the Coast of Death. It is called like that bacause many ships have been destroyed on its rocks.
This was a holly place for the Celts of Galicia who converted to Christianity in the 12th century. It's climate is quite strange, the ocean creates a weird atmosphere where the sun and the rain often mix with each other. When we were there, at some point it rained without any clouds above us! There are countless myths about this place and its mysterious rocks on the coast. For the Celts, the rocks had healing powers and could give fertility. For the Christians they stand for the ship of Holy Mary as the legend says that she arrived on the coast in a boat made of rocks to encourage St. James when was he desperate because the locals wouldn't accept his preaching.
On the spot where Holy Mary appeared, there's a beautiful church called Nosa Senora da Barca, Our Lady of the Boat. This is a wonderful place definitely worth visiting in Santiago.